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Beauty Lesson N°2

Estime et Sens leçon de beauté n°2 minceur et fermeté

Motives may be various : a search for more firmness, an action on a targeted area, an improvement of the skin aspect.

More and more women include slimming products in their skincare routine –  and that not from April to July only !

Indeed, slimming is a daily struggle !

1. prepare your skin

Estime et Sens gommage bio pour le corps
Body Scrub 2 in 1

Exfoliates & softens

So as to make dead cells disappear, stimulate blood circulation in the skin and favour the slimming product penetration in the skin tissues. 

Scrub the whole body in an invigorating way with circular motions from the bottom-up once a week, for a smooth and soft effect on your skin!

2. choose the proper product

Cream, oil…  Choose the product that you will enjoy applying most (since regularity is what really matters). Nonetheless, be aware that all the formulas haven’t the same ability on skin tissues.


A genuine catalyst with its ultra-penetrating texture, the organic body oil very deeply and continuously releases a concentrate of active ingredients.  5 times more concentrated in active ingredients than a slimming cream or gel, the oil can be used alone or as a support to make the cream penetrate into the skin more easily.  From the ankles to the bottom of the neck, it will fight against water retention but also against fatty deposits. It brings a genuine “turbo” effect and the results can be felt.

The extra bonus if you are in a hurry:
Once applied on a slightly damp skin just after a shower, the organic body oil perfectly penetrates into the skin and makes it smooth, supple, delicately perfumed and without any greasy feeling.

Estime et Sens huile minceur bio pour le corps
Essence of Esteem Slimming Booster
Draining oil with global slimming action


This texture combines sensorial pleasure and effectiveness. This organic slimming cream attacks the fatty deposits located in the upper part of the body, for example in the arms, but also in the lower part as the waist, the hips, the belly and around the knees. It is easily applied, and it moisturises and softens the skin while diffusing slimming proven active ingredients : green tea, guarana, caffeine, spirulina.

The extra bonus

For an increased effect, apply the Multi Area 24h Slimming Cream just after the Essence of Esteem Slimming booster oil. The vegetal oils in the Essence of Esteem Slimming booster oil will drive the Multi Area 24h Slimming Cream in the core of cellulite for even more effectiveness.

Estime et Sens crème minceur bio
Multi Area 24h Slimming Cream
Slimming cream for stubborn areas


Gently start with circular motions on the skin in order to warm up the epidermis , and so prepare it to a more invigorating massage. Keep on massaging with small palpating-rolling gestures, making the skin slip on one centimetre. Then gradually increase the pressure exerted by the fingers.

Don’t forget, what really matters is regularity ! Massage yourself every day, morning and evening if possible, with your organic slimming care product. Make the active ingredients penetrate in for 5 to 10 minutes, which is the ideal time to oxygenate the skin tissues and improve blood circulation.

Effective doesn’t mean miraculous !
The use of one or more organic slimming products must be combined with a balanced food diet and a regular physical activity.

It is
even better if...

– You apply an organic slimming product on a daily basis all year long. During winter, it will prevent the negativve effects of wearing pantyhoses, that give a slimmer look but favour the installation of cellulite.

– Drink enough – at least 1,5L of water every day or, even better, your organic drink – estime&sens draining & detoxifying drink with green mate tea. A good hydration prevent body cells from storing water.

Estime et sens boisson bio drainante
Organic Draining & Detoxifyng Drink
100% organic , this draining drink will be the ally of your silhouette.

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Perfect balance between skin care and fragrance

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Cher.e client.e,

Du 24 juillet au 18 août inclus, c’est la pause estivale.
Les commandes passées durant cette période seront expédiées à partir du lundi 19 août.

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L’équipe vous souhaite un bel été ensoleillé !